Never has the doctrine of God's sovereignty hit so close to home until last week when our daughter and her husband called to say that they had suffered the miscarriage of our first grandbaby. We were beside ourselves with excitement and now crushed with grief. Did we praise God in spite of this incredible hurt? Absolutely! Do we know that God has a purpose for it? Certainly! Do we believe He will use it for His glory and our good! Oh yes!! Are our hearts broken? More than words can say. We already loved him or her and were able to get a glimpse into his or her growth. God's handiwork!

God understands being crushed and hurt and saddened by an event. His Son, who knew no sin and did no wrong bore the sin of all mankind on the cross separating Him from the Father for a time, suffering a cruel death on our behalf. Did God have a plan? You bet! Did He use it for His glory? Undeniably! In His sovereign design, Jesus bridged the gap between sinful man and God by paying our sin debt. We deserved nothing but death and hell yet, God made a way for us to commune with Him for eternity.
God's sovereignty does not mean we won't be sad when things happen but we do not grieve as those who have no hope. We have hope that God may be pleased to grant us a grandbaby in this life and our daughter a child. Whatever He deems best is what we desire and can hope in. If He does not, our greater hope is in seeing Him face to face and we pray, our little Jelly Bean, who we were not privileged to meet in this life. We know that He has things perfectly under control and we can trust His heart to do for His children what is best. Who would want any less than God's best?? Not me, no matter how painful I know He has a purpose and a plan and I will be able to use it to bring Him great glory and honor that He so deserves and is due. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed by the name of the Lord!
Until Christ comes,
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