"When we leave the sword of God’s Word at the door, we leave behind our sharpest weapon, Scripture. Game over. But perhaps worse than that, when we evangelicals do not support our positions with the Bible, then we are simply a competing interest group. In this case, we are Pharisaical moralists who appear to merely want to impose our archaic values on others." Todd Friel, Wretched Radio
I was struck by this statement and realized this is a huge problem in Christianity today. We try to defend our ground without using the foundation of Scripture. How can we help people see their need for a Savior if they don't hear the Gospel? How can we defend anything without Scripture?
We can't!
We must stand on the firm foundation of God's Word to do anything! If not, we are just giving our opinion and who cares about that, frankly? If I cannot defend a point using Scripture or it's not clearly stated in there, then I cannot shout my point and say it's truth. There are grey areas in life that you cannot find a specific passage about and in that case, do what most would honor God and bring Him glory but first, search His Word to make sure. 2 Peter says that the Scriptures have all we need for life and godliness! That's encouraging! God knew before the foundation of the world what we would need and he inspired great men to write what He inspired them to for our benefit. Go to the Word before you make choices, try to defend something or teach someone. In it is Truth for all mankind and it's true whether men choose to believe it or not.
2 Peter 1:3
seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
Ephesians 6:14
Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH...............
Go therefore and preach the Gospel to all nations and use the Bible!!
For His glory,